Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What inspired CSBD's formation?

Summer internships are over and our fellow students and colleagues are back with their fair share of experiences. Considering the high representation from other institutions, our founders pondered the question as to why students from other universities have access to much wider realm of possibilites and experiences along with vigor and motivation. On one such conversation with a Google intern from our university, he spoke about his internship experience with various peoples from Georgia Tech and other institutions. He talked about the groups that are popular, available, and well supported at their respective universities, which had enabled students to pursue various opportunities, including, but not limited to: participating in competitions, sharing knowledge and providing motivation by inviting industry personnel. Considering the wealth of knowledge that becomes available in such a forum, we can only imagine what our students and colleagues are lacking given the unavailability of these resources.

It is the light of this realization that our founding members have become impassioned with the task of bringing such opportunities to our own university.

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